Inclusion, Episode 1 Knowledge Check

Two kids are running around outdoors on the grass.
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Circle Time Magazine Season 3, Episode 1 Knowledge Check

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Circle Time Magazine Season 3, Episode 1 Knowledge Check

Answer Key (Questions 1 – 5)

Thank you for taking this Knowledge Check! Use the answer key to see how you did on the show quiz portion of the survey.

Question 1

What are the 3 concepts that Taylor mentioned she taught her preschoolers to help them understand what inclusion means?

Answers: accepted, respected, and valued

Question 2

What are the benefits of inclusion, not only for children with disabilities but, for all children?

Answers will vary but may include: There’s an opportunity to learn from each other new ways to do positive things. Children can model inclusive behavior for each other. Children’s strengths are emphasized. There’s a real opportunity for children and adults to make friends. Educators and parents can learn about new services for their children.

Question 3

From your perspective, what was a message from families that resonated the most with you?

Answers will vary.

Question 4

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has two parts that are specific to young children. What are those parts?

Answers: Part C serves children aged 0-3 with disabilities. Part B, Section 619 serves children aged 3-5 with disabilities.

Question 5

Equity as it was described by guests on the show, means

Answer: b, Everyone receives the supports they need.

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