Positive Behavior Support, Episode 5 Knowledge Check

Colorful friendship bracelets used to recognize and encourage children's prosocial behavior with peers
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Circle Time Magazine Season 2, Episode 5 Knowledge Check

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Circle Time Magazine Season 2, Episode 5 Knowledge Check

Knowledge Answer Answer Key (Questions 1 – 6)

Thank you for completing the Knowledge Check questions. An answer key to these questions is listed below.

Question 1: What is a challenging behavior for one early childhood educator may not be a challenging behavior for another early childhood educator.

Option 1: Correct Answer


Option 2: Correct Answer


Question 2: Reflecting on a challenging behavior can help an early childhood educator do the following:

Option 1

Think about where their biases may lie

Option 2

Helps educators shift their perspective

Option 3

Helps educators think about their expectations for a child's behavior

Option 4

Help educators think about what they believe about discipline

Option 5: Correct Answer

All of the above

Question 3: In this episode, Jordan discussed three key strategies ("The Three Rs") that all educators can do when challenging behavior is occurring. List those three key strategies.

  1. Reflect
  2. Review
  3. Build Resiliency

Question 4: A Behavior Support Plan needs to address the behavior (form) AND what the behavior is trying to communicate (function).

Option 1: Correct Answer


Option 2


Question 5: Understanding and addressing the function of a challenging behavior is key. You can use the Behavior Equation to figure out what the function is. Which is the Behavior Equation?

Option 1

Antecedent + Consequence = Function

Option 2: Correct Answer

Antecedent + Behavior (Form) + Consequence = Function

Option 3

Behavior (Form) + Function = Consequence 

Question 6: Once you have observed and determined the function of behavior, what are the next parts of the Behavior Support Plan?

Option 1

Prevent: Use strategies to meet the child’s needs before the challenging behavior happens.

Option 2

Respond positively to new behaviors the child employs instead of the previous challenging behavior.

Option 3

Teach new skills/replacement behavior. Respond positively to the new behavior to ensure it keeps being effective for the child.

Option 4: Correct Answer

Prevent: Use strategies to meet the child’s needs before the challenging behavior happens. Teach new skills/replacement behavior. Respond positively to the new behavior to ensure it keeps being effective for the child.

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