Interactions and Activities

A child and her teacher sit at a child-sized table and put a series of blocks onto a string.

These resources highlight activities adults and children can engage in together.


These resources highlight activities adults and children can engage in together.

Activity Calendar
Use this fillable calendar to plan activities and stay on track for the transition to kindergarten.

Crash Course
Educational videos across the arts, humanities, and social sciences via YouTube.

Dice Cut Out
Try using this dice pattern to play math games.

Emergent Writing at Home
Try this activity at home with your child to support emergent writing.

Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times

KidsQuest Video resources
KidsQuest Educators bring you art, science and engineering activities to do from home with your children from ages zero to ten and beyond!

Fun and Learning for Parents and Children: An Activities Handbook
Parents will find this booklet helpful with great activities to share with their children. The booklet contains fun activities for parents and children to do together at home, away from home, indoors, and outdoors.

Positive Behavior Stickers
Try these stickers to reinforce positive behavior.

Cultivate Learning "C" watermark

Make Believe Play Ideas
Make-believe play is a great way for children to use their imaginations and practice new skills. Use children’s everyday experiences (like going to the grocery store or the doctor’s office) to build a play scene. Try this activity to support make-believe play.

Nature Club Toolkit for Families
The purpose of this toolkit is to provide inspiration, information, tips and resources for those who are—or who might be—interested in creating a Nature Club for Families. The contents draw from what many families have done and learned about making nature and outdoor activities a part of everyday living.

Pyramid Model Resource Library
Check out these resources and visuals to help children learn social emotional skills. In the filters, under Audience, choose Families to find family resources.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM)
This resource provides an overview of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) components. Learn how children ages birth to 5 engage with STEAM concepts and materials. Find out how adults can work with children to support learning and development in these areas. Click on specific tabs that interest you!

Supporting Emergent Writing
Try this learning activity to help you plan opportunities for writing with your child at home.

Tips for Families: Engaging in Make Believe
Make-believe play is a great way for children to use their imaginations and practice new skills. Use children’s everyday experiences (like going to the grocery store or the doctor’s office) to build a play scene. Try these ideas to engage children in make believe play.

Tips for Families: Materials to Support Learning
Try these ideas to enhance your child's learning at home.

Tips for Families: Using the Scientific Method
Try these ideas to help your child discover science and learn about how the world works.

University of Washington Resources for Families
The free guide includes tips for families about talking to young children about the coronavirus and numerous websites and apps for young children and families related to language and literacy, math and science, music and arts, physical development and more.

Try these Vroom Tips™ to help you do more with your shared moments. Add learning to mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, or anytime with 1,000+ fun, free activities.(A global program of the Bezos Family Foundation, Vroom helps parents boost their child's learning during the time they already spend together.)

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