Positive Behavior Support, Episode 2 Knowledge Check

Miniture set up of a classroom
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Circle Time Magazine Season 2, Episode 2 Knowledge Check

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Circle Time Magazine Season 2, Episode 2 Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check Answer Key (Questions 1 – 10)

Thank you for completing the Knowledge Check questions. An answer key to these questions is listed below.

Question 1: All behaviors have a form and a function. The form is:

Option 1: Correct Answer

what the behavior looks like

Option 2

the message that the behavior is trying to communicate

Question 2: All behaviors have a form and a function. The function is:

Option 1

what the behavior looks like

Option 2: Correct Answer

the message that the behavior is trying to communicate

Question 3: Examples of the function of behavior include: (Select all that apply.)

Option 1: Correct Answer

Trying to get the teacher's attention

Option 2: Correct Answer

The child wants to avoid the activity

Option 3


Option 4


Question 4: Behavior is a form of communication.

Option 1: Correct Answer


Option 2


Question 5: Positive Behavior Support focuses on noticing and stopping challenging behavior. 

Option 1


Option 2: Correct Answer


Question 6: Positive Behavior Support does the following: (Select all that apply.)

Option 1: Correct Answer

Notices and builds on positive behaviors

Option 3

Focuses on stopping the challenging behavior immediately

Option 4: Correct Answer

Teaches children how to ask for what they need

Option 5: Correct Answer

Builds the skills we want to see

Option 6: Correct Answer

Is proactive, not reactive

Question 7: According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it's perfectly normal for a preschooler's frustration or anger to manifest as physical conflict. When caregivers correct this ordinary behavior in a way that promotes empathy, it's a healthy part of a child's social development.

Option 1: Correct Answer


Option 2


Question 8: When is the best time to teach a child how to handle their challenging behavior?

Option 1: Correct Answer

Before the behavior occurs

Option 2

While the challenging behavior is occurring

Option 3

After the behavior has occurred

Question 9: We want the classroom environment to help tell children what to do and where to go. Jordan shared strategies to define a classroom environment so that it can help us be proactive about behaviors. Which strategies did Jordan share? (Select all that apply.)

Option 1

Put tape down on the ground to define the area

Option 2

Use bookshelves to help define spaces

Option 3

Use area rugs to define boundaries for an area

Option 4

Create separate spaces for quiet and loud activities

Option 5: Correct Answer

All of the above

Question 10: Most of the work on addressing challenging behaviors starts in the prevention phase. Which of the following are prevention strategies that may preempt challenging behavior? (Select all that apply.)

Option 1: Correct Answer

Defining learning areas

Option 2: Correct Answer

Labeling materials

Option 3: Correct Answer

Teaching in the peak of challenging behavior

Option 4: Correct Answer

Using visual supports

Option 5: Correct Answer

Teach, practice, model, and reinforce the learning

Option 5: Correct Answer

Calling a child's family to let them know when a child doesn't follow directions

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