Season 4: Big Kid Edition

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Circle Time Magazine, Season 4 Overview: Big Kids Edition

Circle Time Magazine, Season 4 Overview: Big Kids Edition

Welcome to Season 4 of Circle Time Magazine: Big Kids Edition

Circle Time Magazine is a unique professional development series that offers a web-based talk show, magazine, and online resources with each episode. This season we’re partnering with School’s Out Washington to look at quality teaching practices with an expanded age range. We discuss practical strategies for working with children ages birth to 12 years old. Many providers serve both early childhood and school-age children. During the COVID-19 pandemic many programs have expanded their services. Some providers are serving school-age children for the first time and other programs are serving school-age children all day and are supporting remote learning. This season we review practices to support both experienced and new school-age care providers. Learn about creating safe and culturally responsive learning environments, building social-emotional skills, and cultivating empowering relationships with children.


Big Kids Edition


Creating Safe Environments


Social Emotional Learning


Leadership and Empowerment for All Ages

Helpful Resources

Two-minute tips are quick, simple, research-based strategies for ELO professionals. The tips focus primarily on strategies for working directly with children and youth, but also cover tips for program leadership and self-care. Each tip contains a short introduction, links the strategy to research-based outcomes, provides short practice tips for implementation, and a video of the strategy in action.

School’s Out Washington (SOWA) is dedicated to building community systems to support quality afterschool, youth development, and summer programs for Washington’s children and youth ages 5 through young adulthood. They provide training for youth development professionals and advocate for the Expanded Learning Opportunities field statewide. 

TRANSLATION NOTE: Please be aware that there might be slight discrepancies and minor differences between the posted, printed, or electronic text in English and the corresponding Spanish translation, due to the editing and updating of the different versions.

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